Puteri Batik Remaja Indonesia 2023

Puteri Batik Remaja Indonesia 2023

Title Kriss Batik 1 Slot

Title Kriss Batik 2 Slot

Untuk kamu yang memiliki title 2 slot bisa mencoba menggunakan title Specialist Trooper dan title spam bom ini.

Title Kriss Batik 1 Slot

Jika kamu hanya memiliki 1 slot title, saya sarankan kamu menggunakan title Special Trooper ini. Menurut saya title special trooper ini salah satu title basic yang wajib kita gunakan di setiap senjata manapun.

Title Kriss Batik 3 Slot

Itu dia beberapa title kriss batik pb yang bisa kamu coba gunakan di akun point blank zepetto kamu. Semoga bermanfaat dan jangan lupa bantu saya bagikan juga artikel ini ke teman-teman kamu yang juga sangat menyukai kriss batik tetapi memiliki aim yang kurang bagus. Terima kasih dan sehat selalu.

Title Kriss Batik 1 Slot

Malay Language / Bahasa Malaysia

Malay Language / Bahasa Malaysia

Belanja di App banyak untungnya:

Indonesian Batik with Wayang Semar motif

Semar in his play (character) has a different physical form from other wayang characters. Semar’s shape is unique because of its large and round stature, which likens the earth to being round. Also has a face that is always smiling but also eyes that are swollen with tears which means that in life there is always joy and sorrow. But apart from his physique, it turns out that Semar has the highest and respectable position in his puppet characterization. He was one of the guides, advisers, and caretakers of the knights. The original character of Semar is simple, honest, knowledgeable, intelligent, and has a sharp mind. He is elder because of his nurturing nature, which in Javanese terms, Nyegara which means having a heart as wide as an ocean.

Semar is also called Badranaya in Javanese terms, which comes from the word Bebadra which means building something from scratch, and Naya which means messenger of the prophet. Which, if interpreted broadly, means a messenger of a prophet or apostle who was sent to build and carry out God’s orders for human welfare. In the puppet story Semar is the leader of the Punakawan or four friends consisting of Semar, Gareng, Petruk, and Bagong. Another unique character, it is not clear whether he is male or female. This is deliberately happened to show that people on earth have never been perfect, because it only belongs to God. Semar was also awarded a special strength which was named Mustika Manik Astagina or Eight Daya.

The Eight Powers consist of:

Title Kriss Batik 2 Slot

Title Kriss Batik Part 2

Untuk title kriss batik yang kedua ini hanya berbeda beberapa damage saja dibandingkan dengan title kriss batik yang pertama. Dikarenakan menggunakan title movement speed lvl 2, jadi damage yang diterima akan lebih rendah.

Title Kriss Batik 3 Slot

Saya disini menggunakan Assalant Commander dikarenakan dapat menambahkan fire speed dari kriss batik itu sendiri agar lebih sakit dan jika kena kepala akan lebih cepat headshot.